Camp Getaway
September 30 2016Over several years, a committed band of Bendigo Rotarians as well as Rotarians from throughout District 9800, have been steadily working away renovating the amenities at Camp Getaway in Axedale.
The latest project has been to rebuild the kitchen. This has been quite a long project, and members with special handcraft and building skills have been able to offer their expertise and time in seeing this project through.
Camp Getaway is a Rotary owned facility, which caters for school camps and large groups, providing accommodation and facilities for outdoor activities. The rebuilding project is nearing completion, however when one facet is complete, there is always more to be done.
If you are interested in offering your skills to assist with the works at Camp Getaway, just contact the Club or for more information on the camp itself, just visit the website at

On the level – Bendigo South Club members and Rotarians working on rebuilding the facilities at Axedale’s Camp Getaway.