World of Difference in Cambodia

January 22 2015
Through tour participant, Matthew Scott, the Rotary Club of Bendigo South donated nine bikes to students at Bosala Primary School, making the journey from isolated village to school more feasible.

Through tour participant, Matthew Scott, the Rotary Club of Bendigo South donated nine bikes to students at Bosala Primary School, making the journey from isolated village to school more feasible.

In December of 2014, I undertook a two week volunteer working trip to several areas of metropolitan and regional Cambodia. The trip was part of a Rotary District 9800 project called ‘World of Difference’.

Matthew Scott takes a class at Bosala Primary School in Cambodia, with the regular class teacher and some students.

Matthew Scott takes a class at Bosala Primary School in Cambodia, with the regular class teacher and some students.

To find out more about what I did and how the Rotary Club of Bendigo South supported me on this trip, please take the time to read my report which was published recently in the Bendigo Advertiser.

Matthew Scott
Director of Club Communications